Get Creative With Moulding Build-Ups
Certain installations require going beyond a basic crown, base or case install. These installations are referred to as “build-ups” meaning several different mouldings are put together to create a more elaborate finished appearance.
The illustrations below show some of the combinations that can be achieved by combining multiple moulding styles to create a desired effect. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination. This build-up technique also gives you the ability to create your own style from modern to traditional. You can also match a wide variety of existing moulding installations including traditional and Victorian which often have a more elaborate look. High ceilings are a perfect match for build-ups and can be incorporated into chair rails and base boards as they add a dramatic finished look to the room.

Ceiling Build-Up
Get creative with ceiling build-ups, the sky’s the limit with AWI mouldings. Start out designing by mocking up short build-up sections. This way you can test options on your ceiling to determine overall look and feel, desired weight, and profile.

Chair Rail Build-Up
Give any room a finishing detail and hide slight imperfections where corners meet with AWI moulding. chair rails have a decorative and practical function. Applied to a wall anywhere from 24 to 48 inches from the floor they are a beautiful accent to the room, running horizontally to form a wainscot look, while also protecting the wall from scuffs and dents from the backs of chairs. Chair rail moulding can also be used as a panel moulding to form panels on walls or ceilings. For larger chair rails, use casing with backbands.

Base Moulding Build-Up
Baseboard trim can be overlooked and under appreciated. Dress up your baseboards with either austere or ornate details built from combining AWI moulding components. With attention to detail, the separate pieces will appear to be one and add visual impact to a room.